Musical Works Data Platform User Guide
Table of Contents
- SV Status
- Expanding and Collapsing Works
- Work Detail View (expanded)
- List of performers
- List of alternate titles
Musical Works Data Platform User Guide
The musical works data platform available on is a comprehensive platform of musical works in BMI’s repertoire, plus reconciled works from the combined repertoires of other Songview participating societies. When a work is marked reconciled, it means that all information shown for the work has been agreed upon by the Songview participating societies but has not been confirmed by non-participating societies.
Tooltips are provided throughout to help you understand how it works. If you need assistance at any point, click the “Help” button to access the User Guide and FAQ.
“Search In…” Options
You can limit your search results based on the following categories: Songview, BMI Repertoire, or 100% BMI Works.
- Songview: Search results include works where one or more interests are licensed by BMI, and an expanded group of additional works not represented by BMI but with interests licensed by and reconciled with a Songview participating society. This is the default selection.
- BMI Repertoire: Search results include only those works where one or more interests are licensed by BMI.
- 100% BMI Works: Search results include only those works where all interests are licensed by BMI.
Search Criteria
You can search by a single criteria or a combination of two criteria. To search for a single criteria, enter your search term in the first search box and leave the second box blank. Title is the default search criteria.
Search Tips:
- Enter text in either lower or upper case.
- Only the Top 1,000 search results will be returned. For best results, enter a word with at least three or more alphanumeric characters or narrow your search by selecting additional criteria.
- In most cases, search terms should be entered with punctuation. For example, a Title search for DON’T YOU should include the apostrophe.
- If your search with punctuation does not return the expected results, try entering the search criteria without punctuation. For example, search for DON T YOU.
- If you are searching for a Performer name where punctuation is substituted for a letter, try searching with or without punctuation. For example, when searching for performers named A$AP where “$” is substituted for “S”, try searching for A$AP or ASAP.
- If your search contains only special characters, results that exactly match the text entered will be returned. For example, a Performer search for !!! will only return band names that exactly match !!!.
- Leading articles like A, AN, or THE and the expressions AND or & are not specifically matched. Searches may be performed with or without these words.
- If your search contains only leading articles or AND/&, results that exactly match the text entered will be returned. For example, a Performer search for THE THE will only return performer names that exactly match THE THE.
- If the same word or name is entered twice in a single search, only results that repeat the word will be included. For example, a Performer search for DURAN DURAN will only return performer names that repeat the word like DURAN DURAN and DURAN DURAN DURAN.
- You can only search for certain search criteria combinations. Some criteria may not be available in the second drop-down list depending on the criteria that you select from the first drop-down list.
- Click the “Search” button to start a search or press enter on a keyboard. You can also press the “Tab” key to navigate through the search criteria fields.
- At any point, click the Songview logo to the left of the search options to re-open the initial search screen.
Search Types
Title Searches
When you search for a title, works that start with the complete words you enter will be returned. For example, a search for the word PAIN will return all titles that begin with the word PAIN but will not return partial matches for titles that begin with words like PAINT and PAINTER.
- Select “Title” from the search criteria list (Title is the default selection).
- Enter the first word or words, or the full song title in the search box.
- Your search results include all works that start with the word(s) you entered.
Performer Searches
Performer searches return the top 5 recommended results based on the search terms you entered, followed by the remaining search results sorted in alphabetical order. When you search for a performer, all performer names that contain or exactly match the complete words you enter will be returned. For example, a search for STURGIL will return all performers that contain the word STURGIL but will not return matches for partial names like STURGILL.
- Select “Performer” from the search criteria list.
- Enter a full or partial performer name in the search box.
- Your search results include all performers that contain or exactly match the complete words you entered.
Writer and Composer Searches
When you search for a writer or composer, all the writer/composer names that contain or exactly match the complete words you enter will be returned. For example, a search for TAYLO will return all performers that contain the name TAYLO but will not return matches for partial names like TAYLOR or TAYL.
- Select “Writer” from the search criteria list.
- Enter a full or partial writer/composer name in the search box.
- Your search results include all writers/composers that contain or exactly match the complete words you entered.
Publisher Searches
When you search for a publisher, all the publishing company names that contain or exactly match the complete words you enter will be returned. For example, a search for WARN will return all performers that contain the name WARN but will not return matches for partial names like WARNER or WARNE.
- Select “Publisher” from the search criteria list.
- Enter a full or partial publisher name in the search box.
- Your search results include all publishers that start with the full or partial name you entered.
ISWC and BMI Work ID Searches
When you search for a unique identifier such as ISWC (International Standard Musical Work Code), or BMI work ID, only the work that exactly matches the ISWC or BMI work ID is returned.
- Select “ISWC” or “BMI Work ID” from the search criteria list.
- Enter the exact ISWC or BMI work ID in the search box.
- The search results will return works that exactly match the ISWC or BMI work ID you entered.
Search Tips:
When searching for ISWC or BMI work ID, the second search criteria box is unavailable.
- You can enter ISWCs with or without hyphens, periods, and spaces. For example, you can enter T-000.000.001-0, T-000-000-001-0, or T0000000010 for ISWC searches.
No Search Results Returned for ISWC Searches
“Search In…” Songview
When searching the musical works data platform by ISWC (International Standard Musical Work Code), a “no result found” search result should not be interpreted to mean that a specific work is not in the Songview participating societies’ repertoires. The result may reflect that either an ISWC is not associated with a work or that no such ISWC can be found in the Songview records.
If a search by ISWC returns no results, please run your search again using other available search terms to determine if the work is in the Songview participating societies’ repertoires.
“Search In…” BMI Repertoire
When searching the BMI repertoire by ISWC (International Standard Musical Work Code), a “no result found” search result should not be interpreted to mean that a specific work is not in the BMI repertoire. The result may reflect that either an ISWC is not associated with a work or that no such ISWC can be found in BMI's records.
If a search by ISWC returns no results, please run your search again using other available search terms to determine if the work is in the BMI repertoire.
General Search Functions
Data Platform “Search In…” Option
The data platform search in option you selected will be displayed beneath the search bar on the search results page (Songview, BMI Repertoire, or 100% BMI Works).
Number of Works per Page
By default, 20 works are displayed on each search results page. You may choose to display 20, 50, or 100 works per page using the links at the bottom of the search results page. Your selection will be saved until your session ends.
Printing Search Results
Click the “Print All” button to print or generate a printable PDF of the search results. You can also print individual works using the “Print” button on the expanded work.
Search results and catalogs have been assigned unique permanent URLs (permalinks). You may bookmark the URL in your browser to return the latest search results at any time.
Title Search Results
When searching for a title, a list of work titles is displayed on the search results page, along with BMI Work ID, Songview (SV) status, and a summary view of writers/composers and performers. Results are sorted alphabetically first by BMI Award winning works and then by any additional titles.
SV Status
The status of the work based on the Songview reconciliation process.
A green checkmark in a diamond indicates a reconciled work. This means that all information shown for this work has been agreed upon by the Songview participating societies, but it has not been confirmed by non-participating societies.
- Works without an indicator in the SV Status field have not yet been reviewed through the Songview reconciliation process.
Expanding and Collapsing Works
By default, when multiple results are returned a summary view of work information is displayed. If a single result is returned, it is expanded by default.
Use the “Expand All/Collapse All” button to expand or collapse the work detail view.
- Choose “Expand All” to expand all works from summary view to detail view.
- Choose “Collapse All” to collapse all works from detail view to summary view.
- Choose the + button in the Expand column or click anywhere on the work header to expand an individual work from summary view to detail view.
- Choose the x button in Expand column or click anywhere on the work header to collapse an individual work from detail view to summary view.
Work Detail View (expanded)
The Work Detail View contains the following additional information:
Songview Status (SV)
The status of the work based on the Songview reconciliation process.
The “Reconciled” button with a green checkmark in a diamond indicates a reconciled work. This means that all information shown for this work has been agreed upon by the Songview participating societies, but it has not been confirmed by non-participating societies.
- Works without an indicator have not yet been reviewed through the Songview reconciliation process.
Total % Controlled
- Total % Controlled refers to the percentage of the work licensed by the named Songview participating society.
- Reconciled works include the total percentage of the work controlled by each Songview participating society. Interests for Non-ASCAP and Non-BMI publishers will be represented as “Other”.
- Works that have not yet been reviewed through the Songview reconciliation process only include the total percentage controlled by BMI.
Work ID
- Reconciled works include a unique work identification number for each Songview participating society.
- Works that have not yet been reviewed through the Songview reconciliation process only include BMI’s unique work identification number.
- An International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC) is a unique, permanent and internationally recognized International Standards Organization (ISO) reference number for the identification of musical works. ISWC numbers are only issued when all interested parties on a work are identified by their IPI number. Works with participants who have not obtained an IPI number or works that list any unknown writer/composer interests are not eligible for ISWC numbers.
BMI Award Winning Song Indicator
A star indicates that the work has received a BMI award.
% Controlled - Writers/Composers
Total percentage of the writer/composer interests licensed by the named Songview participating society.
- Reconciled works include the total percentage of the writer/composer interests controlled by each Songview participating society.
- Works that have not yet been reviewed through the Songview reconciliation process only include the total percentage of the writer/composer interests controlled by BMI.
% Controlled - Publishers
Total percentage of the publisher interests licensed by the named Songview participating society.
- Reconciled works include the total percentage of the publisher interests controlled by each Songview participating society. Interests for Non-ASCAP and Non-BMI publishers will be represented as “Other”.
- Works that have not yet been reviewed through the Songview reconciliation process only include the total percentage of the publisher interests controlled by BMI.
List of writers/composers with current affiliation and IPI numbers
Writer and composer names appear in pink and are clickable when the associated writer/composer interest on the work is controlled by BMI. Note: In some cases, BMI may control the writer/composer interest on a work, even though the writer/composer is not currently a BMI member.
- Clicking the writer/composer name opens the Writer Catalog View. This view displays a list of works for the selected writer or composer, similar to the Title Search Results.
- Writer and composer names appear in white and are not clickable when the associated writer/composer interest on the work is not controlled by BMI.
List of publishers with current affiliation and IPI numbers
Publisher names appear in pink when the associated publisher interest on the work is controlled by BMI. Note: In some cases, BMI may control the publisher interest on a work, even though the publisher is not currently a BMI member.
- Clicking the publisher name displays the publisher contact information if available and a link to view the catalog.
- The View Catalog button opens the Publisher Catalog View. This view displays a list of works for the selected publisher.
Publishing Administrators
When a BMI publisher is acting as an administrator on behalf of a BMI original publisher, the administrator’s information will be provided in the contact information section of the BMI original publisher. The View Catalog button opens the BMI administrating publisher’s catalog.
Works with Foreign Publishers
Where available, Songview reconciled works include both U.S. and non-U.S. publisher names for the publisher interests controlled by Songview participating societies. When both U.S. and non-U.S. publishers are listed on a reconciled work, it indicates that the work contains one or more foreign original publishers with a relationship to a U.S. sub-publisher.
The relationship between a foreign original publisher and a U.S. sub-publisher is indicated as follows:
- The U.S. Sub-Publisher is indented below the Foreign Original Publisher name. Both Foreign and U.S. Sub-Publisher Names and IP Name Numbers are visible.
- If the associated sub-publisher interest on the work is controlled by BMI, the publisher name appears in pink and is clickable. Clicking the name displays the sub-publisher’s contact information, when available and a link to view the catalog. The View Catalog button opens the BMI sub-publisher’s catalog.
- If the associated sub-publisher interest on the work is controlled by another Songview participating society, the publisher name appears in white and is not clickable.
Additional Publishers
Reconciled works only include publisher names for interests that are controlled by a Songview participating society.
- Publisher names appear in white when the associated publisher interest is controlled by a Songview participating society other than BMI.
- Any other publishers are represented as “Other Non-ASCAP and Non-BMI Publishers”.
- Works that have not yet been reviewed through the Songview reconciliation process only include publisher names for interests that are controlled by BMI. Any other publishers are represented as “Additional Non-BMI Publishers”.
List of performers
A list of performers that have recorded the work. This list is for reference purposes only and does not represent a complete list of all performers that may have recorded the work.
If there are no known performers, “No Data Available” is displayed.
List of alternate titles
A list of alternate titles for the work. This list is for reference purposes only and does not represent a complete list of all alternate titles for the work.
If there are no alternate titles available in the database, “No Data Available” is displayed.
Writer/Composer Search Results
When searching for a writer or composer, you get a list of writer/composer names with the IPI number, current affiliation, a summary view of work titles. Click the arrow button in the Details column to open the Writer Catalog View. This displays a list of works for the selected writer or composer.
Publisher Search Results
When searching for a publisher, you get a list of publisher names with the IPI number, current affiliation, a summary view of work titles. Click the + button in the Expand column to expand the publisher from summary view to detail view.
Expanding and Collapsing Publisher Search Results
By default, when multiple results are returned a summary view of publisher information is displayed. If a single result is returned, it is expanded by default.
Use the “Expand All/Collapse All” button to expand or collapse the publisher detail view.
- Choose “Expand All” to expand all publishers from summary view to detail view.
- Choose “Collapse All” to collapse all publishers from detail view to summary view.
- Choose the + button in the Expand column or click anywhere on the publisher header to expand an individual publisher from summary view to detail view.
- Choose the x button in Expand column or click anywhere on the publisher header to collapse an individual publisher from detail view to summary view.
Publisher Detail View (expanded)
The Publisher Detail View contains contact information if it is available, and a link to open the Publisher Catalog View. This displays a list of works for the selected publisher.
Performer Search Results
When searching for a performer, you get a list of performer names with a summary view of work titles. Click the arrow button in the Details column to open the Performer Catalog View. This displays a list of works for the selected performer.